As the wedding season came to an end, summer time fun has arrived. For the wedding vendors here in Phoenix, we don't completely stop dead in the water. We slow down with orders however here at Let Them Eat Cake, Inc., we are very busy with bridal consultations, cake decorating classes, kid's camp and just preparing for the busy season ahead. If you want to be a part of our classes, go to registration on our website.
I want to share some of the exciting sweet treats we have done recently... Let's Ride the Carousel
Birthday Ride as well as Dessert, Sweet!
Summer time also allows me time to watch some of my favorite shows like Ace of Cakes, Cake Boss, Food Network Cake Challenge and TLC's, The Ultimate Cake Off. I am always learning new techniques and ideas and these shows show me what to do and what not to do. I hope you learn a little from me as well. I will continue to share some of our cakes we have done in the past weeks.
We will be closed July 2nd and 3rd in observance of Fourth Of July. Enjoy the fireworks and barbeque with family and friends. Be safe and be thankful that we are able to pursue our dream in the land of the free. God Bless America!
Summer Closures for Let Them Eat Cake,Inc.
July 12-17, 2010 and Aug 2-7, 2010.